
Sketchy Maze v0.12.0

March 28, 2022 by Noah

It's been a while since I posted an update about my videogame project, Sketchy Maze but I've still been working on it and had released a handful of updates since my last post about v0.7.1 and my game is starting to get interesting. 😉

Sketchy Maze is a drawing-based maze game where you can draw your own levels freehand (like MS Paint) and make them look like anything you want. You can draw a castle, a cave or a giant boat, and then play it as a 2D platformer game. You can drag and drop some "doodads" such as buttons, keys, doors and enemies into your level to make it exciting. And as for those doodads? You can also create your own, too, and program them in JavaScript to do whatever you want. The game also includes a built-in Story Mode of example levels to simply play and/or learn from.


Since my last update about v0.7.1 the game has got:

  • 8 new levels (now 12 in total across three built-in levelpacks)
  • 15+ new doodads, including: Anvil, Electric Trapdoor, pushable Box, Thief, Azulians, Checkpoint Flags, and a handful of technical (invisible) doodads for things like a custom Goal Region or Checkpoint Region if you don't want the flags.
  • Scoring and progression system, and hostile enemy creatures you need to dodge.
  • Controls added for touch screens and Xbox-style game controllers including Switch Pro Controllers.
  • Proper platformer physics with velocity, acceleration and jumping.
  • New drawing tools for the editor: Text Tool, Flood Fill/Paintbucket, Zoom in/out.
  • A much more capable JavaScript API for custom doodad scripts to enable more interesting behaviors.
  • Many user interface improvements.
  • 32-bit Windows and Linux support added.

The full change log is always available on the Guidebook for more details.

If you haven't seen my game yet, check it out! It's still in beta so it may be buggy or crash sometimes, but any feedback is welcome!



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